On May 14, 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that Belgium will propose the harmonized classification and labeling of propylparaben CAS No.: 94-13-3 as an endocrine disruptor for the environment. This measure aims to reinforce regulation and environmental protection against the potentially harmful effects of this commonly used substance.

Context and Use of Propylparaben
Propylparaben is a preservative and fragrance agent widely used in the cosmetics industry. Its use is regulated by the European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, which sets concentration limits in cosmetic products and prohibits its use in leave-on products intended for application in the diaper area of children under 3 years of age. Despite these regulations, propylparaben is not yet listed in Annex VI of the European CLP (Classification, Labeling, and Packaging) Regulation 1272/2008.
Belgium's Proposal
Belgium has highlighted the need to classify propylparaben as a Category 1 environmental endocrine disruptor (ED ENV 1), under the label EUH430 - "May cause endocrine disruptions in the environment". This classification aims to raise awareness about the potential risks this substance poses to ecosystems and to encourage safer and more controlled usage.
Scientific Justification
Belgium's proposal is based on various scientific studies demonstrating the endocrine effects of propylparaben on the environment. Research has indicated that this substance can interfere with the hormonal systems of aquatic wildlife, causing adverse changes in their reproduction and development. These findings underline the need for stricter regulation to prevent contamination and protect biodiversity.
Impact and Next Steps
If approved, this classification will require manufacturers and distributors of products containing propylparaben to adjust their labeling practices and possibly reformulate certain products to comply with the new regulations. The implementation of these measures would result in greater environmental protection and a reduction of the risks associated with this substance.
Belgium's proposal to classify propylparaben as a Category 1 environmental endocrine disruptor represents a significant step towards greater environmental safety. By harmonizing regulations with the latest scientific evidence, the aim is to minimize the negative impact of chemical products on ecosystems and promote a safer and healthier environment.
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