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Regulatory Compliance and Responsible Person for the United Kingdom

From our office in London, we help companies from all over the world to export their products to the British market with agility and professionalism. If you want to export your cosmetic products to the UK and boost your business in this great market, we will accompany you in the process!

Expert Agents in PIF, SCPN and Responsible Person

Cosmetic regulation UK

Cosmetics Regulatory Services for the United Kingdom


Verification of ingredients, labels and product claims.


Custody and maintenance of the Cosmetic Information File


Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment 


Product notification on the portal


Annual cosmetovigilance control and serious unwanted effects 


Review of nanomaterials and CMR substances

Responsible Person / Responsible Person for the United Kingdom

PR obligations in the United Kingdom

Since January 1, 2021, it is necessary to have the figure of a Responsible Person established in the UK to be able to sell your products in the country. For example, a company that sells its products in Europe and the United Kingdom will need a Responsible Person for each economic area.


The Responsible Person is in charge of auditing the cosmetic product dossiers and the safety evaluation, as well as the rest of the technical information in order to ensure compliance and conformity with legislation and avoid serious unwanted effects on users.

PIF for Cosmetic Products in the United Kingdom

It is a mandatory document that must be provided by the manufacturer or the person responsible for marketing a cosmetic.

This document contains all the information necessary to guarantee the safety of the product, such as its composition, its method of use, the results of the tests carried out, among other relevant data. The preparation of the PIF is essential to ensure that the product is safe and complies with current legislation.

Product Information File (PIF)

Submit Cosmetic Product Notification (SCPN)

SCPN for Cosmetic Products in the United Kingdom

The SCPN is the official British notification portal where UK authorities register cosmetic products BEFORE they are placed on the market. This SCPN registration is a legal obligation present in the United Kingdom Cosmetic Regulations (EC) No. 1223/2009 (UKCR)

How to export to the United Kingdom after BREXIT comes into effect?

The new post-Brexit reality in the United Kingdom to import and export products

The United Kingdom formally left the European Union on January 1, 2020. After the entry into force of Brexit, companies wishing to export their cosmetics to Great Britain have to comply with the new regulations of the Office for Product and Standards and the requirements of " The Product Safety and Metrology", among others, in what is known as the UK Cosmetics Regulation.


The company that has or plans to introduce cosmetic products into the British market will need to be represented by a Responsible Person established in the UK and who meets the requirements listed below.


Where can you export your cosmetic products with BELAB?


Responsible Person, CPNP Registry, Creation of PIF

Asia Oceania export.jpeg


Export and regulation of products in Oceania, LATAM and Asia among others

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