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Experts in Regulation and Marketing of Food Supplements

Food supplement refers to product whose purpose is to complement the normal diet, consisting of concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances that have a nutritional or physiological effect, in dosed form, which must be taken in small unit quantities.

Food suplement

Food Supplements in the United Kingdom
Directive 2002/46/EC

Dietary supplements are regulated in the United Kingdom by the Food Standards Agency guidelines and specific regulations in Northern Ireland and Wales. 


These regulations establish the general conditions of composition, ingredients and  labeling that these products must comply with. Furthermore, as these are food products, it is mandatory to comply with the general food standards of the UK. 


The registration process is carried out through a national Food Business Operator (FOB), who will have the documentation that guarantees its safety and regulatory compliance for registration. 


The name and address of the FOB must appear on the product labeling when you become responsible for it while it is on the market. 


Food Supplements in Europe
Directive 2002/46/EC

Food supplements are regulated in Europe the Directive 2002/46/EC. 


The directive establishes prohibitions and restrictions regarding the use of certain ingredients, labeling conditions, tests, claims and everything necessary to have safe products on the market.


National regulations establish the peculiarities of each country and the registration process, which must be done at the national level. 


Foreign companies must have a representative in Europe to register their products. 

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