FDA and State Regulations
Cosmetic products are regulated under the regulations of the Federal and Drug Administration (FDA) by the FD&C Act and by the FPLA, as well as various state and local laws.
Labeling errors are the leading cause of FDA arrests. Modifying labeling and adapting it to comply with FDA regulations is usually the main measure that companies adopt when exporting.
The process of adapting a cosmetic product to the FDA consists of the following phases:
1. Review of ingredients
In accordance with the lists of ingredients prohibited, restricted or regulated as drugs. Checking acids and dyes.
2. Packaging review
In accordance with FDA requirements. Languages, format or location of information are just some of the regulated items.
3. Review of claims
Choose and adapt the labeling claims to stay within the definition of cosmetics. Avoid claims from the field of medicines and OTC products.
4. Proposal and execution of changes
Proposal of changes that we will carry out to have a 100% FDA compliance product.
5. MoCRA
listing of manufacturer's products and facilities
The approval of MoCRA will represent the largest change in US cosmetics regulation in recent years.
Companies must have a Responsible Person established in the US, who will be responsible for listing products before the FDA.
In addition, manufacturers must register as such with the administration through a US Agent.
Belab Services takes care of the entire process so that you obtain 100% legal products under FDA and state regulations and can market them in more than 50 US states.